The Parents Guide to Helping Your Child Socialize during Remote and Online Learning


As the world grapples with the global pandemic, schools and universities have shifted to remote or online learning. For parents, it can be difficult to help their children stay connected with their peers and maintain a sense of socialization, which is much needed for growth and development in this time of physical distancing.

This guide provides tips and tricks to help your child build interpersonal relationships during remote learning.

Introduce the Topic and Set Expectations

Parents need to discuss with their children the importance of socializing during remote learning. Explain that although physical contact might not be possible, online platforms still provide opportunities for meaningful connections with friends, family members, classmates, or even strangers from different parts of the world!

Setting expectations allows your child to be mindful of how they will use these platforms responsibly while also having fun!

Schedule Dedicated Time for Socializing

Creating a schedule dedicated to socializing allows your child to plan when they get together with friends, join a game night, or even set up an online movie night. Having a structure helps them stay organized and prevents potential distractions that would otherwise prevent them from achieving their academic goals.

Create Opportunities to Connect

Encourage your child to take advantage of different online platforms, such as chat rooms or virtual clubs, where they can interact with their peers from different backgrounds and locations around the globe!

Ask your child if any activities or projects could be done together remotely. This could include group assignments, class presentations or games like Dungeons & Dragons! Utilize technology as an opportunity for them to broaden their horizons and gain new experiences while staying safe at home.

Help Your Child Find Balance

Spending too much time in front of screens can harm mental health and academic progress. It is important for parents to help their children find a balance between learning and socializing so that they do not become too overwhelmed by either one activity or another.

Suggest small breaks after long stretches of work, such as going outside for some fresh air or doing indoor activities like cooking/baking or completing puzzles - anything that could allow them to take a break from screens!

Encourage Healthy Habits

Encouraging healthy habits is essential during times like these when boundaries between home life, school life, and social life may start blending due to being stuck inside every day.

Encourage your children towards a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, along with getting enough sleep every night (7-8 hours, depending on age) to keep their minds sharp throughout the day! Also, ensure that they are getting regular exercise. This can range anywhere from yoga/stretching sessions at home to joining guided classes via apps like YouTube!

Model Good Behavior

Children learn best through example, so it is important for parents themselves to lead by example when interacting with others online. Whether it's with other parents, teachers, classmates, etc., maintaining good etiquette, such as being polite and respectful towards others, while being mindful of what you write since words carry power! By modelling good behaviour, you will create an environment where everyone feels safe and comfortable, which will help enhance communication among all parties involved!